Reasons Why Ludo is a Nostalgic Game for 90s Kids

Ludo is one of those few games that we still feel connected to even after years. It is that one game that popped up every time there was a friends or family get-together. Interesting, yet so easy, this board game made passing time a fun experience. 

That adrenaline rush we used to get after killing the other player’s pawn and the joy of those two sixes in a row is still unmatchable. 

You must have had flashbacks of your childhood days by now. It is obvious that we have a lot of memories attached to this game. 

If you are also a 90s kid, let us look at some wonderful reasons why we still love this game so much. 

1. Ludo is STILL The Same

Ludo is not the only game we used to play in our childhood. There were marbles that no one plays anymore. We loved SuperMario, which introduced so many new facelifts over time. All of us had those video game cassettes with endless games. Mobile games have certainly replaced them now.

However, nothing changed with Ludo. Although there are online Ludo games now, those are no different than the old Ludo. It still gives that satisfying fun experience with friends. With the same rules, simple design, and even the same colours, Ludo did not change. This game still offers the same thrill, suspense, and twists.

Also Read: How to Become a Ludo Ninja?

2. It Started an Era of Board Games

We have played numerous board games to date. But how many of them do you actually remember? Or how many of them still exist?

With the convergence of technologies and new ideas, so many of those games disappeared over time. But Ludo remained there. It regained its popularity during the pandemic times.

Families started spending more time together and Ludo became their go-to game. Ludo game still has the same influence as it did during childhood.

3. No Age Bar in Traditional Ludo Board Games

Ludo is so much loved because there is literally no age bar for this game. We enjoyed this game with our parents and even grandparents.

This is why this game is still alive even after generations. Plus, it is connected with our emotions, which makes it the top board game in its industry.

Regardless of age, this game treats everyone equally. One of the benefits of playing ludo is that it allows a whole rush of bittersweet and triumphant moments.

We still get a similar adrenaline rush playing Ludo online and also, can earn big money from it. However, an online Ludo earning app like Ludo Fantasy lets only 18+ individuals play Ludo online.

Also Read: Earn Real Money and App Points As You Play Online Ludo

4. Nostalgic Childhood Feels

The nostalgic feeling attached to this game is unmatchable. The cherished memories of this game lead us to still love this game so much. We want to relive those moments that we used to spend with our loved ones. This is the probable reason why many Indians still clung to this game.

5. Easy Gameplay

Ludo has stood the test of time and has stayed a popular game. It is so interesting and yet the simplest board game to play. The rules are so simple and any new player can play this game without guidance after learning the rules once. One can become an expert at this after a few games.

6. Multiplayer Game

Yet another good thing about this game is that multiple players can play it. Playing with three other players makes this game more interesting. It makes social connections better. This game gives a great chance to bond with people as there are so many twists and turns in it. In a ludo-earning app, you get even more chances to socialize with other players.

Also Read: Four Popular Benefits of Playing Ludo Online

Summing Up

Ludo has been such a beloved game since the 90s and there has been no turning back. This game has easy graphics and there are no difficult game rules. There are not enough reasons to love ludo and we know that it is going to remain popular.

If you also love ludo, you can play it online with your far-away friends. With Ludo Fantasy, you can play online Ludo and can also get a chance to earn.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do people like playing Ludo?

People like to play Ludo because it reminds them of their childhood memories. It is a great pastime with friends and family. Some ludo apps also allow people to win money prizes. This is what makes this game likable.

2. What 90s kids played with?

90s kids played several games. The most popular ones were board games, video games, marbles, and more. One that was common among all is ludo, which is still a popular game.

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