Three Equipment Of Ludo Game Explained

Ludo is a strategy-based dice board game. It is a super easy to play, is very popular, and an exhilarating game. The aim of each player in the game of Ludo is to move their four-game pieces from the starting position into the home triangle. The pieces must complete an entire circuit of the board. It means that the players are effectively in a race against each other to traverse the board. A game of Ludo can be played between two to four players. The players will take turns to throw the dice and move their tokens.

Each player needs to fulfill two objectives in a game of Ludo. The main goal is to safely move the Ludo tokens from starting position to “Home” by making them move across the entire track on the board. Players must also target a secondary objective to slow down the pace of the opponent’s pieces by killing them. The player needs a six to bring the token to the starting point from the home base. They can then throw the die again and move the piece forward the corresponding number of spaces.

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Different versions of Ludo are played worldwide. The game of Ludo was derived in the late 1890s based on the modification of Pachisi, an ancient Indian game, to make it more appealing for the English public. Ludo has also come to the digital forefront in the present era of digital transformation, and people can now play Ludo on their smartphones.

To understand the game of Ludo, you need to understand its various equipment primarily.

Ludo Game Board

A Ludo game board is square in shape. A pattern in the shape of a cross appears on the board. The tokens move on this cross-shaped playspace. Each arm of the cross has three columns of squares, usually six per column. The middle squares form the home column for each color, and other color tokens cannot land upon it. The home area appears in the center of the board, and it is divided into four home triangles, one for each color. Each corner of the board, separate from the cross-shaped track, contains the colored squares where the Ludo tokens are placed at the beginning of the game. A Ludo board generally features four colors, namely, green, blue, red, and yellow.

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Ludo Tokens

Corresponding to the color they choose for the board, each player will have four matching colored Ludo tokens. On the home space, they need to place the tokens. The tokens move in the clockwise direction on the board.

The Dice

Based on the outcome of the throw of the dice, the tokens move across the track on the board. A single dice is thrown to determine movement. The dice is a small six-sided cube. Each side has a different number of dots that ranges from one to six. A six on the dice is required to bring the token out from the home base to the starting position of the track. If a player gets three consecutive sixes on their dice, their turn is canceled.

Also Read: Interesting Facts About the Ludo Game

To Conclude:

A combination of these components makes up the game of Ludo. According to the various rules prescribed for the game, the players will have to move their tokens across the board and fight for the winning position.  

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